


FOLLOWING. please only follow me if you have the intention of writing with me.this blog is private and selective. if i follow you, it means that i want to write with you and i see our characters interacting but please don’t follow me if you’re looking for a follow-follow thing. i won’t soft block you if i don’t follow you and you like one of my starter calls (which will be rare since they tend to overwhelm me) or send me memes but i’ll probably ignore them. don’t take it personally if i don’t follow you back, i love all my followers and i’m so thankful you’re following me.for otto and rosie blogs: if I follow you and you follow back I assume you’re fine with Jo, if you don’t follow back then I’ll assume you’re not fine with her as a muse you would like to interact with and then I’ll unfollow. and just so you know I absolutely adore introducing her to her parents who know nothing about her like in a multiverse setting.I’ll never push Jo on any canons if they don’t want to interact with her.before writing with you i will always read your rules but i will not send in any passwords because it spikes up my anxiety. discord is available for mutuals only.ACTIVITY. this blog will be low activity, slow reply, and plot based. i would like to talk things between our muses than just to wing it. my replies can take forever and i want you to know that before writing with me. i work fprty hours a week at one of the busiest hospitals in my state but my mental health is currently declining so i’m trying to see someone. i’m more active on ims and discord.writing. i write very dark and mature themes. i will not tolerate godmodding of my character (although i know it’s sometimes used as an icebreaker and that’s fine to an extent but hurting them or killing her without my consent is a big no). if i god-mod your character/s it’s completely by accident and if it bothers you in any way shape or form please let me know and i’ll change my writing. my starters are usually one-liners but you are more than welcome to expand them however you like. i write novellas, paras, and multi-paras.if you come to me to plot or have a plot in mind, i expect you to be the one to write the starter to get our thread going. if i come to you i’ll write the starter no problem.if you’d like to continue an ask, please put it as a new post and just don’t reblog the ask. it gets messy and i won’t respond to it.SHIPPING. i love shipping so much but it’s not my primary focus on this blog. my muse needs platonic, sibling, and enemy relationships just as they need romantic ones. i will be i will be selective about who i ship with. i ship my muses with chemistry. please don’t push a relationship on me and my muses (like write me a shippy starter when we never talked about the relationship), and if you do you’ll be unfollowed or blocked if you continue to message me about it and i don’t seem interested.

SMUT. i am twenty-three and past the legal age of eighteen and i’ve been waiting a long time to be able to say that. like most, i will never ever write smut with anyone under eighteen if i find out you’re lying about your age you will be immediately blocked. smut will always be here, please wait until you are eighteen. i will not write rape or an abusive relationship or situation. i will tag nsfw images and writing as nsft //.TRIGGERS. i blacklist rape, rape mention, abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence because those are very triggering for me (since i was in an toxic relationship). i also have a thing for teeth pulling. if any of that is untagged, you will be immediately unfollowed since sometimes gifs or images give me flashbacks and panic attacks and i don’t want that. i will tag triggers as “trigger tw.”on this blog you will never see callout posts, vague posts about anything on here, or anything related to drama on here. we’re here to have fun and drama makes me hella anxious and spikes my blood pressure. please don’t follow me if you support incest, rape, homophobia, racism, ableism, antisemitism, the sexualization of minors, or any gross stuff like that.some of my banned fcs are dominic sherwood, holland roden, amber heard, chris pratt, most of the riverdale cast, most of the 13 reasons why cast, scarlett johansson, ian somerhalder, matt davis. Some banned muses are tate langdon, white-washed maximoffs, canon and plec-based Damon Salvatore.CREDITS.I’m not affiliated with marvel or conor leslie but jo octavius is my own creation and all of her headcanons are. Please don’t steal them.icon and edit psd - allisonICON BORDER BY MORGANBLOG BANNERS, PROMO, AND HEADER BY BRIARCARRD BY @EMMACOMMISSIONS



mental. depression, anger, anxiety, neurodivergent
physical. tba
phobias. tba
eyesight. tba
drug use. tba
alcohol use. frequent
diet. tba


birth place. tba
ethnicity. tba
parents. otto and rosalie octavius (deceased/verse dependent)
siblings. none
pets. one cat
education. high school, bachelor's degree in business
notable skills. understanding her father's work
languages. only english
abilities. tba


full name. josephine 'jo' love octavius
aka. jo, the second doc ock, little-ock
age. main (ramiverse) 35-38, mcu 22, older 45
gender & pronouns. cisfemale, she/her
orientation. bisexual biromantic
species. human
occupation. bookstore owner
residence. new york


hair. dark brown almost black
eyes. brown
complexion. fair
build. skinny
scars. tba
tattoos. tba
piercings. ears
face claim(s). younger: sara waisglass, main: conor leslie,


zodiac. aries
alignment. chaotic good
hogwarts house. slytherin
positive traits. tba
negative traits. tba


josephine or jo octavius was born to otto and rosie octavius. they were loving parents and she knew that she was loved every day. her father was a genius and her mother read her poetry books when she was little and try to explain it to her. she was never as intelligently skilled like her father but that was okay. she never needed to rise up to the expectations that her father had set for her. as long as she was happy that was the most important thing to both of her parents.

she moved out of state when she went to college and missed her father's presentation because her flight was delayed. she became an orphan within a matter of weeks. there's many josephines in the multiverse, all different ages, but her endgame is still the same. she finds her father's blueprints for the AI tentacles and makes them retractable and detachable. when she finds out spiderman had a hand in her father's death, she becomes his enemy.







ramiverse. jo comes in spiderman 3 looking to kill both harry and peter for killing her parents. she and harry haven't seen each other in years but that doesn't matter to her. when harry's knocked out she thinks he's dead and waits for peter to be alone so she can finish him off by herself. they fight when he has the venom suit and he recruits her to help him with the sandman and venom but she initially refuses but eventually comes to help. she's with harry when he died and she moved her bookstore to new york.

webb verse. oscorp is paying her settlements to keep quiet about her parent’s deaths during otto's demonstration. they keep the tentacles and jo comes back to new york when the money stops. she eventually steals back the tentacles when she helps harry take back oscorp.

watt/mcu. almost a college graduate, jo has spent seven years without her parents and wants to open her own bookstore in memory of her mother. (will be updated when no way home comes out)

insomniac/ps4. jo is the only other single employee other than peter at octavius industries. she has her business degree so her father works on science and she handles the business part. she has the same degenerative neurological disorder as her father but doesn't come until later in life. she helps peter make his black suit as she doesn't like what the chip is doing to her father's personality. she still inherits the arms as jo and peter figured out the neurological interface so it doesn't increase aggression in her. even if it did, peter can pull the plug with it at any time. she visits her father weekly at the raft.spiderock. in this universe, peter has died and jo takes up the mantle of spider-woman but uses her tentacles to help her.older.jo is a mother of a daughter she named olivia rose after both of her parents, olivia has her father's gift of intelligence and jo wants to do everything she can to get her where she wants her daughter to be.

venom au. in raimi's spiderman three, the symbiote bonds with jo because of all the hatred she has for peter and harry about how the demonstration went down. she gets scared and asks for peter's help to get it off of her which then transfers to eddie brock.pure villain au. a universe where raimi jo never surgically implanted her inhibitor chip nor even create one. her tentacles are a part of her and she can’t imagine her life without them. she took down oscorp and turned it into octavius industries. and killed Harry herself and nearly killed Peter.vampire au. her vampire lore is mostly like the vampire diaries (anti julie plec) but she willingly turned into one when her parents died and immediately turned off her humanity to hunt peter and harry. she doesn’t turn it back on again until Peter asks for her help to save MJ from sandman and venom.fantasy/pirate au. in her fantasy verse, jo takes up the mantle of house octavius after her parents were murdered. in her pirate verse, she and her father turned to crime after rosie died. she has tentacle tattoo sleeves and she started the rumor that the octaviuses can connect their minds to any octopus including the kraken.